Line and Form, Chapel Gallery, 2010
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'Line and Form' was an exhibition at the Chapel Gallery, Ormskirk (March-April 2010). From  a national submission, eleven contemporary artists had work selected that demonstrated the importance of line and form within their art practice. 
The images below are four of the nine pieces of my work that were selected for exhibition.
Each image shows students at work in studios within Hope University, Liverpool. I drew these during my 18-month residency at the Cornerstone Creative Campus. I was able to capture the positions of students as they came and went over a period of two to three hours in each case.

All drawings were made freehand in ink pen without preliminary sketches, and no students were asked to adopt poses.

In the writing centre (2009)

In the writing centre
The textile studio (2009)

The textile studio
Jana painting (2009)

Jana painting